I'm trying to figure out how to use the Word Press Magic Fields plugin and for the time being I cannot figure out what in the world a Write Panel is exactly.
I think a Write Panel is like a Write Post or Write Page type page. A Write Panel is the ability to essentially create a "page" using a special screen that only requires certain input fields.
So instead of a normal title and content you could create a new "Client" page where it requires only specific fields of "Client Name", "Business Address", and "Logo".
I guess that kind of makes sense, but it's very much not what I want. I think I am looking for Text Widgets instead!!!
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rich-text-widget/ - BREAKS WORD PRESS
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rich-widget/ - Haven't been able to try it yet
http://yoast.com/conditional-wordpress-widgets-with-rich-editable-text/ - custom fix, looks hard.
http://www.findableblogs.com/plugins/wysiwyg-text-widget/ - Does not work in new versions
After that I gave up on using widgets and found my solution. Custom fields and Front End Editor
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-field-template/ - This is the one that worked for me!! Allows WYSIWIG editing of custom fields.
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/front-end-editor/- Allows In-place WYSIWIG editing. This also worked for me after making the modifications listed here :
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/front-end-editor/faq/ - Modification for custom fields
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