Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Palm WebOS and jQuery headaches

Having a horrendous time trying to do mobile web development and supporting Opera Mobile, Palm webOS, Android, and iPhone.

Right now my favorite of the bunch is generally webOS. I really want a Palm Pre after developer on there for a little while. It's amazing platform based on HTML5 and Javascript. The emulator generally works really well too, but today I ran into two problems.

1) jQuery stopped working? I'm not sure what happened here, but I have a picture of a demo on and the browser just grayed out the whole thing. After hanging out in #jquery and #webos in I found out that the problem doesn't exist (for anyone else at least). I restarted my emulator and then it started working again. Annoying, huh?

2) This one might not be an emulator issue. I'm using jQuery.load to pull in some new webpages and of all of the platforms above this appears to the only one that cannot handle scripts being added to the dom dynamically, which is how .load() pulls in scripts. Instead of having the javascript source file linked from the ajax-loaded page, I re-wrote the script to use and watch for the events throughout the entire app's existence. A bit of a pain, but not too hard. I still don't know if this is a "feature" of webOS or if I just did something wrong. Any thoughts?

jQuery.load() reference:

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